Getting Amazing Products Into The Hands Of The World's Largest Retailers

At Beautia we source cutting edge manufacturers & take high quality products to leading retailers. 

If you need innovative new products, want to launch a new brand or connect to our extensive network of world class contacts, click the button below to schedule a discovery call to see how we can help...

Are you a manufacturer? Want to take your product to the big retailer's shelves?

Watch our FREE video revealing the top 5 strategies that you as a cosmetic manufacturer needs to adopt, if you want to sell your products to the world's largest retailers, before your competitors do, with minimal effort.  

Ready to land the big retail giants? Enter your details below to get FREE instant access to our 5 key strategies...

Let's take your product to the next level... 

Hey, I'm Tia.

I’ve spent over 6 years in the cosmetics industry and have been privileged enough to learn the ins-and-outs of what it takes to launching new products in an effective, highly profitable way. 

Prior to founding Beautia, I spent several years working in the private label cosmetics industry where I picked up strong fundamentals in understanding the entire product life cycle. 

Our key areas of expertise:

  Customer, trend & market analysis 

  Product development, including; conceptual design, 
packaging, formulation briefing & analysis, sourcing 
componentry, sample management

  Price negotiation & maximising profit margin 

  Technical & regulatory insight

  Sales analysis & reporting 

How Beautia can help you:

  We can help you to ensure you have the right set up in place in order to work with top retailers, based on our. previous experience and understanding.

  We can offer our design and product development expertise as well as our extensive trend and customer insight to compliment your manufacturing capabilities.

  We can introduce you to our extensive and sought after customer base, helping you to get your foot in the door and connect with key decision makers. 

  We can manage the whole relationship for you, from taking the initial brief from the retailer and getting design and sample approvals, right through to securing the order and growing the business. All you need to do is produce the goods!

To learn more about how Beautia can help you take your private label business to the next level, and connect you to the world's largest retailers, book a free discovery session now.